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How food packaging bags ensure food safety

author: from: time:2023-12-12 classify:Industry dynamics
One is that the packaging film must comply with national standards and cannot be inferior Food companies first
One is that the packaging film must comply with national standards and cannot be inferior. Food companies first need to understand what materials are needed for their food packaging bags; Secondly, it is necessary to find a legitimate packaging company for customized processing. Due to a lack of professional knowledge in packaging materials and a simple pursuit of low prices, some personnel in food companies are often fooled. Taking composite bags as an example, many foods are used for vacuum packaging, and the material of these packaging bags should have at least one layer of nylon packaging. However, some composite packaging bags on the market cut corners and do not use nylon materials, but instead use polyester plastic (PET) because nylon materials are twice as expensive as PET. The result is that the bag is brittle and not soft, with weak puncture resistance, causing food packaging to leak and break, which is not worth the loss. The economic losses and negative impact are far higher than the cost savings of low-priced bags. For example, the seven layer co extruded packaging bag of new packaging materials should have at least two layers of nylon, but some use one layer with low nylon content, and some even use smuggled garbage, which poses more problems. These types of bags have poor barrier properties, are prone to breakage, and are not resistant to high and low temperatures. At present, there is still a situation in the market where aluminum foil bags are used as aluminum foil bags to promote to food enterprises, and it is necessary to identify them in a timely manner to prevent being deceived.
The second is that food packaging bags must meet the requirements of food safety and quality. 1. Food companies should require packaging bag manufacturers to use packaging films that comply with national standards. The material of composite bags should be environmentally friendly, and dry composite plastic packaging containing harmful substances such as benzene should not be used, as its solvent is prone to penetrating and contaminating food. 2. Food packaging bags should be flat. No scratches, burns, bubbles, and wrinkles, no false seals. Flatness is not only a requirement for aesthetics, but also related to the quality of food. If the bag seal is not flat, food packaging used for high-temperature steaming or low-temperature freezing is prone to cracking. 3. Green and environmentally friendly materials should be used for printing. The QS standard requires that food packaging must not detect benzene solvents that are harmful to human health. However, due to the fact that benzene solvents are about 30% cheaper than environmentally friendly benzene and ketone free solvents, and have better brightness and color stability, many packaging bags also use these materials in printing, which often leads to food contamination issues. 4. Packaging enterprises that produce food bags must meet the production environment standards to avoid contaminating food bags during the bag making process.
The third is to tailor food packaging for food enterprises. Packaging bag production enterprises should choose appropriate packaging materials and processing techniques based on the packaging needs of food products, in order to avoid unnecessary costs for customers. Taking miscellaneous grain packaging bags as an example, many miscellaneous grain production enterprises now require the use of aesthetically pleasing and fresh-keeping vacuum plastic packaging. Some companies have chosen composite bags, believing that the cost is low. But in reality, the quality and performance of bags produced from multi-layer co extruded materials suitable for grain packaging have the same cost as composite bags. Because the thickness of composite materials needs to reach 100 microns, and the thickness of multi-layer co extruded materials reaches 90 microns, their puncture resistance, softness, and freshness meet the quality requirements. Moreover, because the material uses hot melt technology and does not use adhesives, food safety is guaranteed.

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